Thursday, December 1, 2011


Finish Evolution Vocab for tomorrow

Will start reviewing for the EOC tomorrow.

Practice after school everyday to review for EOC.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Review Mutations discussed in class

DNA Mutations (point mutations) - deletion, insertion, duplication, and substitution
-remember all of these can cause changes in the resultant protein - no start codon, early stop, no stoping, change in amino acid, or no change

Chromosomal Mutations - deletion, insertion, duplication, and translocation
-these change entire sections of the chromosome(chunks of DNA)

BR Quiz over Mutations

Up Next:
Start Evolutionary Classification
Review for EOC on December 10th

Friday, October 28, 2011

Vocabulary Words for chapter 9

1 Cell Cycle

2. Interphase

3. Mitosis

4. Cytokinesis

5. Chromosomes

6. Prophase

7. Sister Chromatids

8. Centromere

9. Spindle Apparatus

10. Metaphase

11. Anaphase

12. Telophase

13. Cyclins

14. Cyclin-dependent kinases

15. Cancer

16. Carcinogens

17. Apoptosis

18. Stem Cells

Objectives for Chapter 9

1. Be able to label and identify the different parts of the cell cycle.
2. Be able to describe the different parts of the cell cycle.
3. Be able to define mitosis, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis.
4. Be able to place the parts of the cell cycle in order.
5. Be able to define the functions of each part in the Cell Cycle.
6. Be able to describe the cycle of a cancer cell.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Vocabulary Words for Chapter 8 Section 1 and 2

1. Energy

2. Thermodynamics

3. Entropy

4. Metabolism

5. Photosynthesis

6. Cellular Respiration

7. ATP

8. Thylakoids

9. Grana

10. Stroma

11. Chlorophyll Pigments

12. Carotenoids


14. Chemiosmosis

15. Calvin Cycle

16. Rubisco

17. C4 Pathway

18. CAM Pathway

These vocabulary words are due next Monday October 24, 2011.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Animations for Osmosis, Diffusion, and Facilitated Diffusion

Animation for Osmosis:

Use the Animations for Reviewing Diffusion, Osmosis, Active Transport, and Facilitated Diffusion before the test Wednesday October 19, 2011.

Quiz and Vocabulary Words

There will be a vocabulary quiz over the rest of the vocabulary words this coming Monday October 17, 2011. Good luck everyone.

Also, do not forget to turn in the packets by Wednesday October 19, 2011. I want to make sure the class has reviewed all the material for section 4 of chapter 7 before they take the test, which will help everyone obtain a better grade.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Assignments for Tomorrow Friday October 14, 2011

There will be a vocabulary quiz over the vocabulary words I put a star beside in class today. Good luck everyone.

Objectives for Chapter 7 Section 4

Study Guide for Chapter 7 Section 4

1. Compare and Contrast Active and Passive Transport.

2. Compare and Contrast Diffusion, Osmosis, and Facilitated Diffusion.

3. List and define the differences among hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions.

4. Describe both endocytosis and exocytosis.

5. Apply the concept of diffusion for how molecules move according to concentration gradients.

6. Apply the concept of osmosis for how molecules move according to concentration gradients.

7. Apply the concept of Facilitated Diffusion for how molecules move according to concentration gradients.

8. Apply the concept of hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions to determine if water will move into or out of a cell.

9. Apply the concept of endocytosis and exocytosis to determine what molecules will need to undergo these processes instead of passive or active transport.

Chapter 7 Section 4 Vocabulary Words

1. Diffusion

2. Dynamic Equilibrium

3. Osmosis

4. Cell Membrane

5. Solution

6. Solute

7. Solvent

8. Hypertonic Solution

9. Hypotonic Solution

10. Isotonic Solution

11. Active Transport

12. Passive Transport

13. ATPase pump

14. Endocytosis

15. Exocytosis

Vocabulary Words due on Monday October 17, 2011.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Midterm Exam Review

In Class:
Reviewed Midterm Exam Questions

Study for Midterm using your objective sheets from each unit.

Next Time:
More Midterm Review

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thurs - Last Day Before Fall Break - Cell Exams

In Class:
Complete Exams on Cells

If Absent:
Make up Exams

Cell Organelle Model Due Tuesday when you return
    See this link if you forgot which model you are supposed to complete -

Complete pages 7 and 8 of Cell Studies Lab

Midterm Exam on Thurs

Next Time:
Review for Midterm Exam
Midterm Exam - Thurs

Tues and Wed - 09-04 thru 09-05

In Class:
Tues: Covered Cell Organelles and Structures - Identification and functions
Wed: Cell Review and Cell Studies Lab

If Absent:
Come see me

Study for Exams on Thursday
Complete pages 5-6 on lab

Next Time:
Exam over Cell Unit info

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cell Structures and Organelles

In Class:
Covered Cell Structures and Organelles - Will cover functions tomorrow.

If Absent:
Get packets and handouts
Check classmates notes

Complete Venn diagram on cell structures and organelles
Cell Organelle Model due Tuesday after Fall Break

Next Time:
Functions of cell structures and organelles
Cell City

Friday, September 30, 2011

Intro to Cells

In Class:
Covered Cell Theory, Cell Types, Prokary vs Eukary, Plant vs Animal

If Absent:
Review above topics in textbook

Review foldable and start learning the organelles in the book.
Cell Model will be due tuesday after Fall Break - I will assign you an organelle
Organelles by Remote Number
1 - nucleus with a nucleolus
2 - chloroplast
5 - mitochondria
6 - rough and smooth ER
7 - golgi apparatus
8 - lysosomes
9 - plasma(cell) membrane
10 - cilia and flagella - attach to simple cell model
11 - nucleus with a nucleolus
12 - chloroplast
13 - mitochondria
14 - rough and smooth ER
15 - golgi apparatus
16 - lysosomes
17 - plasma(cell) membrane
18 - cilia and flagella - attach to simple cell model
19 - centrioles
20 - centrioles
21 - vacuole for plants
22 - vacuole for plants
23 - mitchondria
25 - chloroplast
26 - golgi apparatus

Next Time:
Cell Organelles
Cell organell functions
Cell Comparisons

Thursday, September 29, 2011


In Class:
Learning to use microscopes

If Absent:
Get lab sheet

Vocab ch 7.1 thru 7.3
Quiz over Microscope Parts and Magnification Rules

Next Time:
Microscope Quiz
Start Cells

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


In Class:
Macromolecules Exams
Enzymes Quiz

If Absent:
Make up Exam and Quiz

Start Vocab Ch 7
7.1 thru 7.3 due Friday

Next Time:
Microscopes and Cells

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nucleic Acids and Enzymes

In Class:
Finished Nucleic Acids
Studied Enzymes - went to lab for enzyme demos

If Absent:
get notes from class mate

Study Study Study - Macromolecules Exam and Short Enzymes Quiz
Finish those questions on Nucleic Acid Review mentioned in class.

Next time:
Exam and Quiz
Start Microscopes and Cells

Monday, September 26, 2011

Indicator Lab and Nucleic Acids

In Class:
Reviewed Indicators and Conducted Indicator Lab
Started Nucleic Acids

If Absent:
Review Indicator study sheet
Get Nucleic Acids Handout

Study all materials for exam on Wednesday
Start Nucleic Acids Review - complete what you can

Next Time:
Finish Nucleic Acids
Review structures and other material for exam on wednesday

Friday, September 23, 2011


In Class:
Reviewed all carbs and lipids
Covered Proteins
Reviewed all Indicators

If Absent:
Get notes and handouts

Protein Review WS
Next Time:
Indicators Lab
Nucleic Acids
Review All


Thursday, September 22, 2011


In Class:
Reviewed Carbohydrates
Demo of Carbo Indicators - Benedicts (Simple Sugar - glucose) and Iodine (Complex Sugar - starch)
Covered Lipids
Paper Towel test for lipids - oil left translucent spot on paper towel

If Absent:
Pick up Indicator Sheet
Get notes for Foldable

Lipids Sheet 1-8

Next Times:
Finish Lipids
New Lipid Indicator
Start DNA or Proteins

Wed 09-21-2011

 In Class:
Covered Carbohydrates

If Absent:
Get notes for foldables

Carbo Sheet

Next Time:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Start Organic Macromolecules

In Class:
Reviewed Root Words
Reviewed Common Elements and Compounds
Make Foldable
Started Notes for Organic Macromolecules

If Absent:
Get a foldable from me
get objectives from classmate
Get Notes

Complete 1/2 sheet on Organic Macromolecules
Progress Reports Due Tomorrow

Next Time:
Review Organic Macromolecules Introduction
Start Carbs
May Get to Beginning of Lipids

Monday, September 19, 2011

Exam Ch 4 and 5

In Class:
Completed Exam Pops, BioDiv, and Behaviors
Handed out Progress Reports
Picked up List of Root words for tomorrow

If Absent:
Pick up Root Words
Make up Exam Before or After School  ASAP

Study Root Words from Class - Quiz Tomorrow

Next Time:
Root Words
May want to look at the Periodic Table of Elements and Review
Start Organic Macromolecules - Here comes the Chemistry

Fri - 9-16-2011

In Class:
Covered Biodiversity and Behavior

If Absent:
Review Ch 5

Exam on Monday

Next Time:
Exam Ch 4 and 5

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Population Dynamics II

In Class:
reviewed all population dynamics - review your objectives to see if you have questions
Discussed more on population curves - predator-prey and other
Studied changes in populations within food chains and food webs

If Absent:
Review all of Ch 4
Come see me for additional information

Finish Predator Prey Graph for Moose of Isle Royale
Get ch 5 vocab completed

Human Populations

Exam Monday on Ch 4 and 5

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Population Dynamics and Graphing

In Class:
Discussed Population Dynamics
Identified population growth curves and ecological interactions

If Absent:
Read Chapter 4
Complete all Ch 4 Vocab

Finish Ch 4 Vocab
Begin Ch 5 Vocab
Study terms used in class today - exponential growth, J-curve, S-curve, limiting factors, carrying capacity
Be able to calculate change in populations using the equation discussed in class
      change in pop = (b+i)-(d+e)

Next Time:
More on populations
Population Activity
Discussions of effects on Food Chains and Food Webs

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Review and Exam

In Class:
Reviewed Succession and other
Exam over Ch 2 and Ch 3 (Sect 1 and 2)

If Absent:
Need to make up exam before or after school

Vocab ch 4 - will need to complete 5 in a few days

Next Time:
Start Populations and Dynamics

Exam for ch 4 and 5 should be on Monday next week

Monday, September 12, 2011

Exam Tomorrow

In Class:
Succession - Primary and Seconday

If absent:
Come get handouts
find fellow student for notes

Pyramid - Use page 44 (3 sides) and 126 (1 Side)
Energy Flow Lab Sheet
Succession WS
Exam Tomorrow

Next Time:
Review for Exam
Take Exam Ch 2 and Ch 3 Sect 1 and 2

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Biomes Presentations

In Class:
Biomes Presentations

Presentations went well - I heard about some new producers and consumers today - Well Done

If Absent:
Study Vocab Ch 2 - Quiz Tomorrow

Study Vocab CH 2 for Quiz Tomorrow
Make sure to finish Biomes concept map if not already completed
Section 3.1 Vocab - Quiz Monday

Next Time:
Review work
Exam will be on Tuesday Ch 2 and 3
Monday - Section 3.1 Vocab Quiz, succession, and overall review

wed 09-07

In Class:
Reviewed Biogeochemical Cycles
went over HW
Started Biomes Presentation Stuf

If Absent:
Get with group about Biome Pres

Finish up sections on Biomes Pres
Vocab Quiz Ch 2 - Friday

Next Time:
Biomes Pres

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Biomes Research Website


Presentations will be tomorrow
Remember - List and Describe many adaptations

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nutrient Cycles

In Class:
Covered 4 cycles - water, nitrogen, carbon/oxygen, and phosphorus
Also Reviewed HW pages on energy and matter

If Absent:
Review Section 2.3 on cycles in book - pickup handouts

Complete Biogeochemical Cycle WS - Front and Back
Study Objectives for Cycles

Next Time:
Review Cycles and HW
Start Biomes and Biomes Presentations

Friday, September 2, 2011

Energy and Matter in an Ecosystem

In Class:
covered energy flow and pyramids
reviewed chains and webs

If Absent:
pick up worksheets
study all of chapter 2
study ALL vocab from chapter 2 - Quiz Tuesday

Ecology Page - picked up at end of class
Study for Vocabulary Quiz - Tuesday

Next time:
Nutrient cycles

Thurs - 09-01

In Class:
Reviewed Ecology - BR over abiotic biotic levels of organization biosphere
Discussed Hetero and Autotrophs - Food Chains and Webs - Flow of Energy and Matter

If Absent:
Get Notes
Read CH 2 Section 2
Pick up Handouts

1/2 sheet Ecology Review
Review Vocabulary - Quiz Tuesday

Next Time:
More Flow of energy and matter

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ecology, Levels, and Abiotic/Biotic

In class:
Covered Ecology, Levels of Organization, Biotic/Abiotic, and Habitat/Niche

If Absent:
Read and Study section 1 of Ch 2
pick up ecology 1/2 sheet

1/2 sheet ecology

Next Time:
Symbiotic Relationships
Energy and Matter Transfer through Ecosystems

Tue - 08-30

In Class:
Reviewed Sci Method
Finished Tables/Graphs and Sci Method Exams

If Absent:
take exams ASAP

Vocab - Ch 1 page 6-10 - Vocabulary listed in Characteristics of Living Things
Vocab Crossword Puzzle and Learn other vocab from CH 2

Next Time:

Mon - 08-29

In Class:
Reviewed Sci Method
Conducted Heart Rate Experiments

If Absent:
come speak to me

Finish up tables, graphs, and conclusions for Heart Rate Experiment
Study for Tables/Graphs and Sci Method Exams

Next time:
Start Ecology

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sci Method and Lab

In Class:
Reviewed variables and scientific process
Heart Rate Lab

If Absent:
Get data for Heart Rate Lab

Heart Rate Lab - Finish new table and graph, as well as analysis questions - save conclusion for later
Finish Peter's Experiment on Venus Fly Traps

Next week:
Conduct Group Experiments
Sci Method and Graphing Exam on Tuesday
Begin Living Things and Ecology

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Scientific Method practice

In Class:
Reviewed terms related to the scientific process
Practiced sci method scenarios

If Absent:
need Understanding the Components of an Experiment and Diane's Experiment
get help from friend or come speak with me

From Worksheet Understanding the Components of an Experiement - Complete "The Experiment" use back to answer

Next Time:
Review more Scenarios
Review Objectives
Organize Notebooks
Conduct Heart Rate Experiment - Preliminary Portion

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Graphing and Scientific Method

In Class:
Reviewed Graphing and Tables
Reviewed Variables WS
Started Scientific Method
Conducted an Inquiry Activity

If Absent:
Pick up Graphing 1/2 sheet and Scientific Method fill in the blank
Get notes from fellow student or ask me.

Complete page 1 of Lab Graphing
Complete page 1 of Heart Lab

Next time:
more work on graphs
continue with scientific method and review scenarios
may start Heart Lab

Next week:
Exam on Scientific Method
Start Ecology

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Variables - Tables and Graphs

In Class:
Completed Safety and Equipment Exams
Covered Variables - Specifically discussed Independent and Dependent Variables
Reviewed Graphs and Tables - More Tomorrow

If Absent:
Get copy of notes from classmate or contact me.
Pick up Variables WS

Complete Parts 2 and 3 of Variables WS
Review Notes

Next Time:
More Graphs and Tables
Scientific Method

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bio I - Monday - Remotes

In Class:
Learned to use remote answering system.
Complete Pre-Exam for analysis

If Absent:
Ask me which remote is yours and how to use the remote for assessments.

Read and learn vocabulary from page 19 in your book.
Focus on independent and dependent variables.

Next Time:
Equipment and Safety Exam Tomorrow - You must get a 100% on the Safety portion.
Tables and Graphing

Friday, August 19, 2011

Lab Safety and Equipment

In Class:
Reviewed lab safety rules.
Reviewed lab equipment.

If Absent:
get copies of homework sheet and lab equipment.
contact a student from class to fill out lab equipment sheet.

Complete half sheet covering safety and equipment.
Study the Safety Symbols from the attached image.

For extra help on equipment go the following links

Next week:
Safety and Equipment Exam on Tuesday
Start Scientific Method and Graphing


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Biology Day 2 - Lab Safety

In Class:
Reviewed Lab Safety - handed out Lab Safety Guidelines and Contract
Completed and Discussed lab safety demos.

If Absent:
Pickup Lab Safety Guidelines and Contract, Lab Safety Packet, and Safety Symbols.
Review All

Safety Packet - Complete questions 1-9 on pages 3 and 4 - Use comic on page 2 for answers
Learning Contract due tomorrow.
Begin learning safety symbols.
Safety Contract due Monday next week.

Safety Symbols
Discuss safety comic
Practice using remote answering system for assessments
Discuss and Review Lab Equipment