Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ecology, Levels, and Abiotic/Biotic

In class:
Covered Ecology, Levels of Organization, Biotic/Abiotic, and Habitat/Niche

If Absent:
Read and Study section 1 of Ch 2
pick up ecology 1/2 sheet

1/2 sheet ecology

Next Time:
Symbiotic Relationships
Energy and Matter Transfer through Ecosystems

Tue - 08-30

In Class:
Reviewed Sci Method
Finished Tables/Graphs and Sci Method Exams

If Absent:
take exams ASAP

Vocab - Ch 1 page 6-10 - Vocabulary listed in Characteristics of Living Things
Vocab Crossword Puzzle and Learn other vocab from CH 2

Next Time:

Mon - 08-29

In Class:
Reviewed Sci Method
Conducted Heart Rate Experiments

If Absent:
come speak to me

Finish up tables, graphs, and conclusions for Heart Rate Experiment
Study for Tables/Graphs and Sci Method Exams

Next time:
Start Ecology

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sci Method and Lab

In Class:
Reviewed variables and scientific process
Heart Rate Lab

If Absent:
Get data for Heart Rate Lab

Heart Rate Lab - Finish new table and graph, as well as analysis questions - save conclusion for later
Finish Peter's Experiment on Venus Fly Traps

Next week:
Conduct Group Experiments
Sci Method and Graphing Exam on Tuesday
Begin Living Things and Ecology

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Scientific Method practice

In Class:
Reviewed terms related to the scientific process
Practiced sci method scenarios

If Absent:
need Understanding the Components of an Experiment and Diane's Experiment
get help from friend or come speak with me

From Worksheet Understanding the Components of an Experiement - Complete "The Experiment" use back to answer

Next Time:
Review more Scenarios
Review Objectives
Organize Notebooks
Conduct Heart Rate Experiment - Preliminary Portion

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Graphing and Scientific Method

In Class:
Reviewed Graphing and Tables
Reviewed Variables WS
Started Scientific Method
Conducted an Inquiry Activity

If Absent:
Pick up Graphing 1/2 sheet and Scientific Method fill in the blank
Get notes from fellow student or ask me.

Complete page 1 of Lab Graphing
Complete page 1 of Heart Lab

Next time:
more work on graphs
continue with scientific method and review scenarios
may start Heart Lab

Next week:
Exam on Scientific Method
Start Ecology

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Variables - Tables and Graphs

In Class:
Completed Safety and Equipment Exams
Covered Variables - Specifically discussed Independent and Dependent Variables
Reviewed Graphs and Tables - More Tomorrow

If Absent:
Get copy of notes from classmate or contact me.
Pick up Variables WS

Complete Parts 2 and 3 of Variables WS
Review Notes

Next Time:
More Graphs and Tables
Scientific Method

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bio I - Monday - Remotes

In Class:
Learned to use remote answering system.
Complete Pre-Exam for analysis

If Absent:
Ask me which remote is yours and how to use the remote for assessments.

Read and learn vocabulary from page 19 in your book.
Focus on independent and dependent variables.

Next Time:
Equipment and Safety Exam Tomorrow - You must get a 100% on the Safety portion.
Tables and Graphing

Friday, August 19, 2011

Lab Safety and Equipment

In Class:
Reviewed lab safety rules.
Reviewed lab equipment.

If Absent:
get copies of homework sheet and lab equipment.
contact a student from class to fill out lab equipment sheet.

Complete half sheet covering safety and equipment.
Study the Safety Symbols from the attached image.

For extra help on equipment go the following links

Next week:
Safety and Equipment Exam on Tuesday
Start Scientific Method and Graphing


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Biology Day 2 - Lab Safety

In Class:
Reviewed Lab Safety - handed out Lab Safety Guidelines and Contract
Completed and Discussed lab safety demos.

If Absent:
Pickup Lab Safety Guidelines and Contract, Lab Safety Packet, and Safety Symbols.
Review All

Safety Packet - Complete questions 1-9 on pages 3 and 4 - Use comic on page 2 for answers
Learning Contract due tomorrow.
Begin learning safety symbols.
Safety Contract due Monday next week.

Safety Symbols
Discuss safety comic
Practice using remote answering system for assessments
Discuss and Review Lab Equipment