Friday, October 28, 2011

Vocabulary Words for chapter 9

1 Cell Cycle

2. Interphase

3. Mitosis

4. Cytokinesis

5. Chromosomes

6. Prophase

7. Sister Chromatids

8. Centromere

9. Spindle Apparatus

10. Metaphase

11. Anaphase

12. Telophase

13. Cyclins

14. Cyclin-dependent kinases

15. Cancer

16. Carcinogens

17. Apoptosis

18. Stem Cells

Objectives for Chapter 9

1. Be able to label and identify the different parts of the cell cycle.
2. Be able to describe the different parts of the cell cycle.
3. Be able to define mitosis, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis.
4. Be able to place the parts of the cell cycle in order.
5. Be able to define the functions of each part in the Cell Cycle.
6. Be able to describe the cycle of a cancer cell.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Vocabulary Words for Chapter 8 Section 1 and 2

1. Energy

2. Thermodynamics

3. Entropy

4. Metabolism

5. Photosynthesis

6. Cellular Respiration

7. ATP

8. Thylakoids

9. Grana

10. Stroma

11. Chlorophyll Pigments

12. Carotenoids


14. Chemiosmosis

15. Calvin Cycle

16. Rubisco

17. C4 Pathway

18. CAM Pathway

These vocabulary words are due next Monday October 24, 2011.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Animations for Osmosis, Diffusion, and Facilitated Diffusion

Animation for Osmosis:

Use the Animations for Reviewing Diffusion, Osmosis, Active Transport, and Facilitated Diffusion before the test Wednesday October 19, 2011.

Quiz and Vocabulary Words

There will be a vocabulary quiz over the rest of the vocabulary words this coming Monday October 17, 2011. Good luck everyone.

Also, do not forget to turn in the packets by Wednesday October 19, 2011. I want to make sure the class has reviewed all the material for section 4 of chapter 7 before they take the test, which will help everyone obtain a better grade.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Assignments for Tomorrow Friday October 14, 2011

There will be a vocabulary quiz over the vocabulary words I put a star beside in class today. Good luck everyone.

Objectives for Chapter 7 Section 4

Study Guide for Chapter 7 Section 4

1. Compare and Contrast Active and Passive Transport.

2. Compare and Contrast Diffusion, Osmosis, and Facilitated Diffusion.

3. List and define the differences among hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions.

4. Describe both endocytosis and exocytosis.

5. Apply the concept of diffusion for how molecules move according to concentration gradients.

6. Apply the concept of osmosis for how molecules move according to concentration gradients.

7. Apply the concept of Facilitated Diffusion for how molecules move according to concentration gradients.

8. Apply the concept of hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions to determine if water will move into or out of a cell.

9. Apply the concept of endocytosis and exocytosis to determine what molecules will need to undergo these processes instead of passive or active transport.

Chapter 7 Section 4 Vocabulary Words

1. Diffusion

2. Dynamic Equilibrium

3. Osmosis

4. Cell Membrane

5. Solution

6. Solute

7. Solvent

8. Hypertonic Solution

9. Hypotonic Solution

10. Isotonic Solution

11. Active Transport

12. Passive Transport

13. ATPase pump

14. Endocytosis

15. Exocytosis

Vocabulary Words due on Monday October 17, 2011.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Midterm Exam Review

In Class:
Reviewed Midterm Exam Questions

Study for Midterm using your objective sheets from each unit.

Next Time:
More Midterm Review

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thurs - Last Day Before Fall Break - Cell Exams

In Class:
Complete Exams on Cells

If Absent:
Make up Exams

Cell Organelle Model Due Tuesday when you return
    See this link if you forgot which model you are supposed to complete -

Complete pages 7 and 8 of Cell Studies Lab

Midterm Exam on Thurs

Next Time:
Review for Midterm Exam
Midterm Exam - Thurs

Tues and Wed - 09-04 thru 09-05

In Class:
Tues: Covered Cell Organelles and Structures - Identification and functions
Wed: Cell Review and Cell Studies Lab

If Absent:
Come see me

Study for Exams on Thursday
Complete pages 5-6 on lab

Next Time:
Exam over Cell Unit info

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cell Structures and Organelles

In Class:
Covered Cell Structures and Organelles - Will cover functions tomorrow.

If Absent:
Get packets and handouts
Check classmates notes

Complete Venn diagram on cell structures and organelles
Cell Organelle Model due Tuesday after Fall Break

Next Time:
Functions of cell structures and organelles
Cell City