Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday - 01-30-2012 - Bio I

Any ecology left should be completed as homework.

Start with Biomes.
 - There is a Biomes packet
 - On the computer are a few PowerPoints for the students to use to fill in the notes
 - then complete the rest of the packet.

After Biomes Start Nutrient Cycles
- There is a Cycles packet
 - On the computer is a PowerPoint for the students to use to fill in the notes
 - then complete the rest of the packet.

After Nutrient Cycles Start Succession
 - There is a Succession packet
 - On the computer is a PowerPoint for the students to use to fill in the notes
 - then complete the rest of the packet.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Friday 01-27-2012 - Bio I

Bio I

Continue working on Ecology Packets and stuff.

The cut out pyramid should include on each of the sides biomass, organism number, energy, and % loss of energy.

Thank You

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thursday 01-26-2012 - Exam and Begin Ecology - Biology I

Biology I
Start with Exam -

Collect the three packets from this unit - Notes Packet, Concept Map and Review Packet, and What Should I Know Packet.  Please separate into three piles.  DO NOT Accept any packets from anyone after today (thursday) unless they are absent

Macromolecules Exam - DO NOT WRITE ON EXAM - Use the provided answer sheets (half sheets on desk)
     - The exams are in a folder, in the draw with the quizzes from Bio II.
     - Have the student aid grade the exams tomorrow during second block.
     - Any students absent on Exam day should take the exam in class on the day they return. Please Grade.

When students finish the exam have them copy the objectives below: (just put them on the over so as they finish the exam at different times those that are done can complete these objectives)
Upon the completion of this unit the student will:
1.   define the term ecology.
2.   define and list examples of populations, communities, and ecosystems.
3.   define the term biosphere.
4.   explain the difference between abiotic and biotic factors and explain why these
      must interact to produce a stable ecosystem..
5.   list two requirements for a self sustaining ecosystem.
6.   list some reasons for competition between organisms.
7.   define the term carrying capacity.
8.   explain the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph and list examples
      of these.
9.   define the following terms pertaining to nutritional relationships and list examples of
      these; saprophyte (decomposer), herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, predator, and
10. define and list examples for the terms parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism.
11. define and list examples of food chains and food webs.
12. explain what is meant by the following terms and correctly identify examples of these;
      producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, and decomposer.
13. recognize that approximately 90% of the energy is lost between consecutive steps
      of a food web to heat and wastes and becomes unavailable for the next feeding level.
14. describe feeding interactions in the form of a food pyramid.
15. define the term biomass.

Start Ecology Unit - End of Thursdays Block and Entire Friday Block
 Begin with first slide from the levels of organization powerpoint - do not show any of the other slides.

There should be a bunch of copies from the library
  Begin with the powerpoint Biosphere 312 - students should be given a copy of the notes to fill in.

  Students should then use their notes and the additional notes that I provided to complete the remainder of the worksheets.
  Complete the Food Chains and Webs Packet 1st
  2nd the other two packets that include Food Chains and Food Webs Labs
     - scissors and colored pencils are in the lab on the middle table- just bring them into the classroom for use
  3rd complete the remainder of the worksheets provided.

There should be three other large packets for Biomes, Succession, and Nutrient Cycles from the Library.
Students will begin these packets next week.  All other copied materials in the Bio I materials will be for the Ecology Section.  Not all handouts are provided in the Ecology Folder under Bio I on the computer but you can double check there for most.  I do believe that the other three folders (biomes, succession, and nutrient cycles) have all the materials for those sections.

If you have any questions please call me.

Thank you for the help. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Tuesday 01-24-2012 - Schedule Information

Bio I
 - Finish up powerpoint notes if needed
 - complete remaining worksheets from packets

- there is a multiple choice question section which may be hard to read for some students.
- I provided the file in the Bio I folder - if is in powerpoint and the file name ends in questions
- if students have finished all the work they can get some white boards and markers from the lab.
    - have them make boards for each of the 4 macromolecules with information to study for the exam

- if the students are have completed all work, but would rather sit around and do nothing, please inform me so that I can address any issues when I return tomorrow.

On Wednesday when I am in class, I will be reviewing for the exam on Thursday.

See you Wednesday

Saturday, January 21, 2012

01-23-2012 - Monday - Macromolecules

Bio I
Students should have 3 packets.

The students already have a packet the includes a concept map and review worksheets.

2 addition packets will be provided to the students.
  This includes the notes sheets and other practice worksheets
   (These packets should be delivered to you either by the student worker or by the libriary/student aid.)

One of the packets will have notes sheets with blanks.  I have provided the PowerPoint in the Bio I folder on the computer.  Please turn on the overhead projector and go through each of the four PowerPoints.  I believe the packet will start with carbohydrates.  Show all of the lecture notes, allowing students time to fill in their notes sheet.  Within the packet are additional notes for students to learn.

When all notes are finished, the concept map and review worksheets should be completed (This is the worksheet packet the students already have).  There should be a concept map and 4 review worksheets (carbs, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids).

Students should then complete the rest of the worksheets in the other packet by Wednesday.  I will be reviewing for the exam on Wednesday.  The Exam will be Thursday.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Starting Macromolecules

Quiz tomorrow over Rootwords and Elements

Bring 2 Food Labels.

Indicators Lab
Carbon Chemstry

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tables and Graphs

HW - #1 and #2 of observation and inference WS
Quiz - Building graphs and tables

Begin working on Scientific Method

Thursday: Heart Rate Lab

Friday: Graphing/Tables Exam and Scientific Method Exam

Monday, January 9, 2012


Part A and A on the two packets for tables and graphs
Ch 1 Vocabulary

reviewed independent and dependent variables
Talked more about graphs and tables.

Titles and Labels on all graphs and tables.
Titles should represent - The Effect of IV on DV

A Hypothesis is written with - If IV then DV

More Graphing
More IV and DV
Get started on Scientific Method

Friday, January 6, 2012

Tables and Graphs

Finished Safety and Eq exams.
Started working on Tables and Graphs

IV - left column on table and x-axis on graph
 - also recall that there are "levels of the IV" - Fertilizer (IV) - levels 1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, etc.
 - remember to manipulate only one variable at a time - this is why we only need one column.
DV - right columns on table and y-axis on graph
 - remember you can have several different DV
 - we will discuss how to make a graph with more than one DV

Make sure to include Titles, labels, values, plot points, and keys (if necessary).

On Monday
More Tables and Graphs
More Variable practice
Get to the bottom of Scientific Method

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Safety and EQ exam

Tomorrow: Safety and Equipment Exam

HW: Study

Scientific Method and Graphing is here.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Class Conduct, Lab Safety, and Lab Equipment

Reviewed Class Conduct and Syllabus - Have signed and return by Friday.
Reviewed Lab Safety - Have Safety Contract signed and return by Friday.
Covered Safety Symbols
Handed out equipment sheets - Complete by tomorrow
     Check out this website for some more info and color pictures
Handed out half sheet for safety rules - Complete by tomorrow

Due Tomorrow
     Equipment Sheet
     Safety Rules Half Sheet
Due Friday
     Syllabus Contract/Agreement
     Safety Contract/Agreement

Also Study Equipment Sheets

Exams Friday
    Safety Exam
    Equipment Exam

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Start of Bio I Spring Semester 2012

Here we go with a new semester.

   Learned how to use remote testing and completed Pre-Exam

If Absent:
   Speak with me.

   More info on rules, conduct, and class processes
   Start Lab Safety
   Inquiry Activity

Safety Exam on Thursday or Friday
Equipment Quiz on Friday or Monday